Pull up a Chair

Even with the incredible safety and satisfaction record of chiropractic care, chiropractors still have to earn the trust of parents.  If you see children in your office, this will happen time and time again.  Honestly, I don’t really think this is completely unique to chiropractic.

It makes sense that parents have questions just as much as children.

I remember having to make a major medical decision for my two year old son. I sat across from a pompous world renowned orthopedic in Boston (about an hour from my house) who was obviously annoyed and irritated that I was a scared parent with too many questions. I left really angry. At the recommendation of a friend, another medical doctor, I traveled six hours to meet the second of only three orthopedic doctors in North America to perform this surgery well. As he walked in, with a tribe of students and doctors around him, I took a deep breath and took out my notepad of questions. He looked down at them, pulled up a chair next to me, and said, “Ask me all of your questions. “ I felt like he answered them before I even started. That’s the difference.

I love that Bennie the Backbone can offer a glimpse into what its like to visit the chiropractor. It can help put adults and children mind’s at ease and answer many questions before they even step foot in your office.

Meet parents where they are: Looking for answers, wanting to help their child, and maybe being afraid of something they are unsure of. Answer their questions, then deliver your best care.

For your best,


Jason Engelhardt